
The Project

Stopping a $500k Marketing Mistake Before It Happened.

With enterprise clients like the DoD, StubHub and the Banque of France, Strongkey had well established itself as the premier provider of cybersecurity solutions.

Turns out they were so secure that no one knew anything about them. Whoops.

So they created a more cost-efficient data security product to appeal to small businesses (less than 50 employees), and expand their market reach in a different direction.

Our Assignment: Put a face on the company protecting some of the most guarded data on the planet and validate leadership’s hunch that they could accelerate growth via StrongKey’s SMB solution – The Tellaro.

Making Breaches Irrelevant.™

Research revealed that the Tellaro product didn’t appeal to the assumed target audience at all. Even more: they’d never buy it. Even if they believed their data was at risk – they lacked the staff support and knowledge to implement it, as easy as it was.
Pivoting our approach, we interviewed businesses with 50-1,000 employees and identified a positive correlation between the type of IT staff a company employs (Read: Do they have a CIO?) and that company’s commitment to data security.

In the meantime, we redirected the sales force back to their bread and butter enterprise client, and established a direct outreach campaign targeting CIOs and opportunities for StrongKey’s CEO to share his considerable thought leadership.

Growth, Secured

The new Make Breaches Irrelevant messaging strategy helped to differentiate the brand and engage potential clients – netting a 10%+ increase in YOY growth Y1.


The campaign netted 10%+ YOY Y1 growth but, more importantly, helped to ensure marketing dollars were not spent against an unreceptive target audience. By refocusing efforts on the core target group, StrongKey was able to increase revenue and avoid costly losses.